Category: Show Announcement

Crab Park July 1st Festival – Canada Day

Crab Park is a spectactular oasis in the Downtown Eastside – and a beautiful venue for some outdoor rock ‘n’ roll! Come enjoy the day at this free annual event organized by Don Larson (Crab Water For Life Society) and Mark Bignell of Radio Band-couver. The first live performance ever in Crab Park was Buddy Selfish and he will be on the stage again this year performing with the Stingin’ Hornets who close the show at 3 pm. The Strange Magic start things off at 1pm followed by Butch Murphy & his Bloody Miracles at 2pm.

Categories: Show Announcement

Rock ‘n’ Relief – Benefit For Japan

A rare event happening this week – Thursday, May 12th – some of Vancouver’s finest rock ‘n’ roll bands get together for Japan – Pointed Sticks, SNFU, The Bonitos, The Jolts, The Trespassers and White Lung. Nardwuar‘s joining the party as MC – plus Billy Bonito has gathered a whack of raffle prizes from every cool store and label in town with 100% of all proceeds going to Red Cross Japan Relief Fund. Any remaining tickets are likely going fast with recent wave of press in Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Courier, The Province and Georgia Straight. Tickets are available at Red Cat Records, Zulu Records, Scratch Records, Highlife Music, Bonerattle Music and Neptoon Records.

Categories: News Show Announcement

Double CD Release Parties at Chapel Arts – The Strange Magic & Flatback

Photos and videos coming soon from both nights at Chapel Arts. The Trespassers, The Strange Magic and DB Buxton on the Saturday night and Butch Murphy & His Bloody Miracles, Flatback and The Crackling on the Friday night. What a great weekend.

Line-Up Change for Friday Night at Chapel Arts

Unfortunately, Herald Nix has had to cancel his performance
due to a death in the family.

…and fortunately, friend and gentleman, Butch Murphy will now close the night with his Bloody Miracles. Really looking forward to the evening!

Here’s an old Bughouse 5 video featuring Butch along with Jeremy Holmes and Scott Smith who will be celebrating the release of their beautiful new Flatback CD “Harmonic Circus”

A grand reunion.

Categories: Show Announcement